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Options for Under Eye Hollows From Weight Loss?

I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and I have lost a lot of weight in my face, which creating hollows under my eyes. I have been asking around different clinics and I was presented different options. 1) Fillers (which don’t last a long time) 2) Fat grafting 3) Skin tightening by laser. I was told the skin tightening lasts a very long time, but I’d like to know if any surgeons could please tell me which option would be best for longterm. Thank you!

Dr. Barr’s Response:

HA fillers – done properly, in the tear troughs, can provide 2 years of great correction

Thank you for your question.  Unfortunatley I do not have a picture and without examining your face in person it is not possible to give you a definitive answer.  Hyaloronic Acid fillers (such as Restyline Fine Lines) can give you a nice correction of the tear trough deformity.  Done properly, the effect can last up to two years and can create a dramatic improvement.  Micro fat grafting, can give longer duration of effect but has a higher complication / dissatisfaction rate then HAs if not done by an experienced surgeonLaser skin tightening can be combined with either of these procedure to provide smoother, less wrinkled lower lids.  Do your research and pick the surgeon that has a good reputation and who’s results you have seen.

All the Best. Scott Barr, MD, FRCSC, Plastic Surgeon.