Providing Exemplary Care in the Age of Covid-19
With changing regulations in Ontario, you’re likely wondering how this will impact your next visit to Barr Plastic Surgery.
The health and safety of our community is always our top priority. We will continue to follow Public Health Ontario guidelines in order to keep both our patients and staff safe.
Barr Plastic Surgery, as part of the Northern Ontario Surgical Centre, has always followed strict sanitary and sterilization procedures and protocols to provide a safe and caring environment for our patients. We are accredited by the CAAASF and are a fully accredited OHP facility regulated by the CPSO. We have implemented additional protocols to ensure the highest level of care for our patients and staff in the covid world. With 4000 sq. ft. of space dedicated to the surgical level, three separate entrances/exits, two full operating theaters, three isolated recovery rooms and a layout that accommodates a unidirectional patient flow, our physical space is ideally designed to ensure patient safety and care.
Additional measures have been taken for our surgical patients including PPE, clear acrylic intubation boxes, modified protocols for arrival / departure and modifications in follow up appointments to enhance patient experience and ensure optimal care. The additional PPE will not impede our ability to continue to provide the personalized professional care and outstanding surgical outcomes that have become the hallmark of the Barr Plastic Surgery / Northern Ontario Surgical Centre experience.
Some of the measures we have implemented and continue to mandate in order to accommodate COVID transmission related concerns include:
- Virtual consultations and follow-ups – These are completed using HIPPA compliant, secure medical meeting software and will be used when possible to facilitate physical distancing. We have been utilizing this option consistently since May 2020, and our patients have appreciated the flexibility and convenience it provides. Patients will still be seen prior to surgery for the “In Person” part of the consultation.
- Follow up appointments will be arranged in person when required.
- Follow up appointments that can be completed virtually using video / phone calls will be arranged for your convenience. Our patients have welcomed this change which as saved them the inconvenience and costs related to travel, limiting time away from work, family and home.
- Questionnaires to rule out COVID risk factors during the reminder calls and at the entrances to the office when patients arrive.
- Touchless thermometers to measure temperatures prior to entering the facility. These measures are being used for both staff and patients.
- Touchless hand sanitizer at all entrances and exits.
- At this time we are asking companions not to enter the facility except for post-operative pick up and care giver education.
- All staff are wearing appropriate PPE / masks and shields.
- Vaccinations have been mandated for all staff.
- All staff are COVID-risk screened prior to entering the facility.
- All patients are provided with a surgical mask on the day of their procedure.
- Maintenance of advanced sterilization / cleaning procedures of the OR area / facility to meet and exceed OHP / CAAASF standards
Our staff are always available to arrange your appointment requests by e-mail or phone. We appreciate how difficult this delay in timely care has been for all patients. We have facilitated significant additional OR time, staff and required medical supplies to address the needs of our current and new patients. We are excited to be able to participate in your surgical care and assist in helping you reach your aesthetic goals.
Warmest Regards,
The Barr Plastic Surgery / NOSC Team
To read more on the safe practice of plastic surgery in accredited ambulatory surgical facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic follow the link below.