Liposuction Surgery

Body liposuction Overview

Despite healthy diets and regular exercise, many individuals struggle to lose deposits of unwanted body fat. Difficult to target areas include the abdomen, love handles, thighs, back,  arms and neck. Excess fat causes frustration, and often clothing does not hide trouble areas, especially in tighter fitting or body contouring clothing.  Liposuction surgery is a procedure that removes the excess fat from targeted areas to create a smoother, slimmer silhouette.

Candidates for Body Liposuction

Patients often pursue body sculpting surgery in order to correct unwanted deposits of fat in numerous areas of the body, including the abdomen, flanks, hips, back, buttocks, thighs, arms and neck.  A  liposuction procedure can improve contours, permanently remove unwanted fat, help you feel more comfortable in and out of clothing, and increase your self esteem. Like the thousands of patients who undergo this procedure every year, you too can acquire the proportional measurements you’ve always wanted, and gain the confidence you deserve.

Fat Removal Surgery

There are a number of different types of fat removal procedures offered at Barr Plastic Surgery.

Tumescent Liposuction

Involves injecting a large amount of anaesthetic solution into the treatment areas. The liquid causes the compartments of fat to become numb and blood vessels to constrict.  With tumescent liposuction, a small cannula removes the fat with gentle back and forth movements until the desired removal and new shape is achieved.

Ultrasonic Liposuction

Is a technique that delivers ultrasonic energy (sounds waves) to fat that has been treated with the dilute anaesthetic solution.  The fat is extremely sensitive to ultrasonic waves and the cells break apart and liquefy from this precision energy.  Some of the fat is vaporized from the ultrasound inside the body.  The rest is removed with a non cutting cannula after it has been liquified and mobilized with the ultrasonic energy.


Uses low-energy laser beams to melt and liquefy fat, which is then removed through a small cannula smaller than 2 mm in diameter. Using SmartLipo technology, Dr. Barr can also provide noticeable tightening of the skin in the treatment area, resulting in a leaner, more streamlined skin appearance. SmartLipo is often used to remove fat and tighten skin in problem areas such as the neck, upper arms, medial thighs (to create thigh gap) and other areas.


Is an acronym for vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance. VASER liposuction uses specialized ultrasound technology to break down fat cells by emitting ultrasonic frequency waves. Once the fat cells have been broken down, they are removed by suction through a small cannula. This technique disrupts the connection between fatty tissue and makes them easier to remove.  This permanent fat removal technology is specific for fat removal and does not cause any damage to other structures such as nerves and blood vessels.  As a result, there is dramatic reduction in fat, extremely fast recovery times (hours or a few days) and minimal or no bruising.

The type of body reshaping surgery that is best suited to your particular needs and aesthetic goals will be determined by Dr. Barr during your consultation.

Benefits and Risks

There are numerous benefits to pursuing body contouring surgery, including:

  • Improve and enhance contours
  • Create a slimmer, more stream-lined silhouette
  • Target stubborn areas of fat
  • Feel more comfortable in clothing
  • Increase self-confidence

All liposuction techniques are extremely safe and effective.  During your consultation we will ensure you are aware of and understand potential liposuction risks.  Although the majority of patients do not experience any complications, you will be fully informed during your consultation with Dr.Barr  to ensure you understand which technique is best to achieve your goals and are comfortable prior to choosing to pursue liposuction surgery.

Liposuction surgery Before and After


How much does fat removal surgery cost?
Pricing for your fat removal surgery will depend on which type of liposuction procedure you have and whether you have additional procedures done at the same time. An accurate quote will be provided to you during your consultation. Patients choosing to invest in their self-confidence and happiness through liposuction surgery have many options available to make this investment more manageable. Our Patient Coordinators are familiar with various payment options and are happy to help facilitate the process for you.
Does liposuction offer assistance in managing obesity?
The ideal candidates for a liposuction procedure are healthy patients who are not seeking full body liposuction as a method of weight management. Patients should be a stable and healthy weight, with areas of excess fat that do not respond to diet and exercise.
What is the first step in pursuing liposuction surgery?
The first step when considering fat removal surgery is to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Barr. The consultation process provides an opportunity for you to obtain important information about liposuction and to have all of your questions answered prior to proceeding with fat reduction surgery.
How do I know which type of liposuction procedure is right for me?
During your consultation Dr. Barr will carefully examine your areas of concern and assess your general health. The various fat removal surgery approaches and options will be discussed and he will explain which type of liposuction procedure is best suited to you based on your individual characteristics and aesthetic goals.
Is it possible to undergo multiple plastic surgery procedures simultaneously?
It may be possible to schedule another procedure at the same time as your body shaping surgery. Liposuction is often added to other surgical procedures to further enhance results. You should be prepared to discuss all possibilities during your consultation with Dr. Barr.

More information on Liposuction Surgery

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