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How Gynaecomastia Affects Men


All my adult life I have had large, abnormal looking breasts. I am very self-conscious about them and limit certain activities that I feel may call attention to them. I really feel like they negatively affect my quality of life.

If you are a man suffering from gynecomastia, it is important to know that you are not alone. Estimates show that between 30 to 50% percent of men will be affected by some form of excessive breast tissue during their lifetime.[1] It can affect males of all ages, affecting those in puberty, youth and even the elderly. Despite this condition affecting such a large segment of the male population, it is a topic that is often shrouded in embarrassment and uncomfortable jokes regarding “man boobs”. Men suffering from this condition often feel uncomfortable being shirtless, and it can affect their confidence in social situations as well as romantic relationships. While many men suffering from the condition are very sensitive about it, our goal is to shine some light on this condition, ensure you that you are not alone, and let you know that there are treatment options that remove the gynecomastia that can help you feel comfortable again. Many men suffering from gynaecomastia are often relieved to know that their concerns are very normal for men suffering from this condition. In many patients, the exact cause of the condition is unknown, but may result from a number of factors including weight gain, hormonal imbalances, use of certain medications, or steroids. Gyecomastia can be unilateral (affecting only one breast) or bilateral (affecting both breasts). It may even affect the breasts differently, whereas one breast may become much larger and pronounced than the other. Men suffering from gynecomastia will notice that their breasts often begin to look swollen and puffy around the nipples and some may experience tenderness in the area as well.  It often begins as a firm or rubbery growth beneath the nipples that begins to spread out. If you notice swelling of your breast tissue, tenderness and an increase in breast size, you may be suffering from gynecomastia. Not only do men suffer from the physical effects of gynecomastia, but they often suffer from the emotional effects as well. Young adults with this condition may often feel uncomfortable around their peers, while men with this condition often have the same discomfort when having to expose their chests at the beach, pool, or a gym locker room. Embarrassment from their condition or fear that others may remark on their appearance may cause many patients to avoid these types of activities. Often men will attempt to disguise their chest by wearing baggy clothing, in hopes that their enlarged breasts will be less noticeable. If you are frustrated by the effect that gynecomastia is having on your life, it may be time to consider your treatment options. By scheduling a consultation with myself you can have your chest examined and receive my recommendations for treatment. Most often a male breast reduction procedure provides patients with the solution that they are looking for. If you are tired of feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed, schedule your consultation with me today. [1] Karnath, Bernard M, MD., “Gynecomastia”, Hospital Physician, July 2008, 45, http://www.turner-white.com/memberfile.php?PubCode=hp_jul08_gynecomastia.pdf, accessed September 18, 2015.