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IV Sedation Jitters For Upcoming Lipo. Is This Safe?

I will be having Liposuction Performed on my Abdomen and Love handles i was told I will be getting a IV sedation is this safe? I had General Anesthesia for Breast Reduction but im kinda nervous are the meds the same?

Dr. Barr’s Response:

IV sedation is very safe and effective for liposuction procedures

Dear Missy,  I understand your concerns with regards to your upcoming surgery.  Liposuction can be done under a general anaesthetic, IV sedation (a neurolept anaesthetic) or just local anaesthesia, depending on the size of the area that is being treated.  At the time of your procedure, local anaesthesia and tumescent formula will be used.  Tumescent formula is a mixture of an IV fluid (ringers lactate), local freezing (xylocaine) and a medicine that decreases swelling and bruising (epinephrine).  This medicine is placed in the fat that is going to be liposuctioned and makes the procedure completely comfortable.  The neurolept is used at the beginning of the case to allow this medicine to be infiltrated without discomfort and occasionally during the procedure if you feel anxious or have any discomfort.  You will be given suplimental oxygen and all the same monitors and safety equipment will be employed during IV sedation that were used during your general anaesthetic.  Many patients find that the IV sedation is a very enjoyable experience and the recovery is even less than one experiences with the GA.  Start looking forward to your new shape.

All the Best. Scott Barr, MD, FRCSC, Plastic Surgeon.