Septorhinoplasty vs. Rhinoplasty: Understanding the Differences

Septorhinoplasty vs. Rhinoplasty: Understanding the Differences

Oftentimes, visible nasal deformities go hand in hand with internal nasal structural issues. While Rhinoplasty addresses the external appearance of the nose, a septoplasty addresses any internal issues. What is a septoplasty? A septoplasty is performed when the...
Rhinoplasty: What You Need to Know

Rhinoplasty: What You Need to Know

As one of the most prominent facial features, your nose, is often one of the features that is first noticed by others. Many people are self-conscious about their nose for a number of reasons, including size, shape, and prominence. Rhinoplasty surgery can dramatically...
Eyelid Surgery: What Is It and Who Is It For?

Eyelid Surgery: What Is It and Who Is It For?

Droopy upper eyelids, puffy bags and excess fat below the eyes can make us look more tired than we feel, and can even interfere with vision. Eye surgery for saggy eyelids (also known as blepharoplasty) can help to reverse the signs of aging by giving the eyes a...
Options for Under Eye Hollows From Weight Loss?

Options for Under Eye Hollows From Weight Loss?

Question Options for Under Eye Hollows From Weight Loss? I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and I have lost a lot of weight in my face, which creating hollows under my eyes. I have been asking around different clinics and I was presented different options....
Would the Single Procedure of Alarplasty Work Well for my Nose?

Would the Single Procedure of Alarplasty Work Well for my Nose?

Question Would the Single Procedure of Alarplasty Work Well for my Nose? Or Would I Need Other Procedures? I have a really wide nose and really flared nostrils (especially when I smile). I was thinking (and hoping) that just getting alar base reduction would make a...